Joey gets an award!
“What’s that?” I asked, as Joey held it up proudly for me to see.
The certificate read “Congratulations on 15 Years with dRSG.” dRSG, or Dufresne Retail Solutions Group, is a buying group that the Bedroom is a part of. It’s made up of store owners like Joey whose goal is to serve their customers and save them money. They buy together as a group from top brands like Palliser, Decor-Rest, Sealy, and Whirlpool. This then allows them to provide exclusive deals and better pricing to their customers.
Wow, 15 years is a long time, I thought. I was only five years old when he joined.
“Why have you been with them for so long?” I asked.
“We’ve been able to improve our customer experience significantly, and have become more efficient by being a part of this group,” Joey said. “It’s been a huge privilege for us.
“I recently had the pleasure of visiting a fellow dRSG member in Victoria, B.C., where I was able to build relationships, learn more about what is trending, and discover ways to improve our business.”
So if you see Joey around the coffee station, congratulate him. His ego could always use a boost. And then ask him what's new and exciting in the world of furniture and home decor.